How to draw parabola by eccentricity method

Draw Parabola by Focus Directrix Method

The Video shows the step by step method to draw a Parabola

Construct a parabola when the distance between the focus and the directrix is 40 mm. Draw tangent and normal at any point 'Q' on the curve.

Stage by stage method to draw Parabola

1. Draw vertical line AB ( directrix )

2. Draw a Horizontal line from the centre point C

3. Mark point F, 40 mm from point C

4. Mark  point V at centre of  the line CF

5. Mark points on the horizontal line at appriximately 10mm interval after the point V and mark it as 1,2,3,4,5,6......

6. Draw vertical lines through the points 1,2,3,4,5,6....   

7. With C1 as radius and point F as centre, mark an arc on the vertical line 1 and on both sides of horizontal line. Mark these points as P1 and P2.

8. With C2 as radius and point F as centre, mark an arc on the vertical line 2 and on  both sides of horizontal line. Mark these points as P3 and P4

9. Continue the above for verical lines 3,4,5,6.....

10. Draw the ellipse by joining the points V, P1, P3, P5.......with smooth curve.

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