How to draw Involute of a circle

Draw Involute of a Circle of diameter 30 mm

The Video shows the step by step method to draw involute of a circle

Step by step method to draw involute of the circle 

1.  Draw circle of diameter 30 mm

2.  Divide the circle into 12 equal sectors and mark it as 1,2.....12 in anticlockwise direction.

3.  Draw a horizontal line of length equal perimeter of the circle and from the point 12

4.  Divide the line into 12 equal parts and mark it as 1', 2'....... 12'

5.  Name the point 12 on line as P

6.  Draw line from point 1 at right angle to the sector line.

7.  Draw line from point 2 at right angle to the sector line

8   Repeat this procedure to draw perpendicular lines from all 11 points

9.  With P1' as radius and 1 as center, mark an arc on the perpendicular line 1. Mark this point as P1

10. With P2' as radius and 2 as center, mark an arc on the perpendicular line 2. Mark this point as P2

11. Repeat this procedure to mark all the points P1 to P11

12. Draw the involute curve by drawing smooth curve connecting the points from P to P11.

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