Draw parabola by tangent method

Draw Parabola by Tangent Method

The Video shows the step by step method to draw a Parabola by tangent method.

Step by Step Method to draw a Parabola of base length 100mm and height 55mm by tangent method

1.  Draw base line AB of length 100 mm

2.  Draw Perpendicular line of length 110 mm ( 2 times the height of parabola ) and mark it as OC

3.  Draw lines CA and CB

4.  Divide the line CA and CB into any equal parts ( 8 equal parts here ) and mark it as 1,2.....8 and in opposite order.

5.  Draw lines connecting the same numbers on both sides.

6.  Draw the parabola curve by drawing tangents to the bottom most lines.

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