Draw ellipse by eccentricity method

 Draw Parabola by Eccentricity Method.

The Video shows the step by step method to draw an ellilpse by eccentricity method

Step by Step method to draw an ellipse of eccentricity 2:3 and distance of focus from directrix 50 mm

1. Draw vertical line AB as directrix

2. Draw horizontal line perpendular to AB and mark the intersecting point as C

3. Mark the point F on the horizontal line , at a distance 50 mm( focus )from the point C

4.  Divide CF into 5 equal parts ( 2+3=5 is from eccentric ratio 2:3 )

5. Mark the point 2 from focus F as V i.e. Vertex ( 2 from eccentric ratio 2:3)

6.  Draw a verical line through the point V.

7.  Mark a point E on this line so that VF=VE

8.  Draw an angular line from point C through point E

9.  Mark points 1,2......6... on horizontal line and approximately at distance of 10 mm in between points.

10. Draw vertical lines through these points towards both sides of horizontal line and meet the angular line.

11.  Mark the lntersecting points on the angular linescas 1', 2'....... 6'....

12.  Take the distance of 1-1' in the compass and mark an arc on the line 1-1' on both sudes with F as center 

13.  Take the distance of 2-2' in the compass and mark an arc on the line 2-2' on both sudes with F as center 

14. Repeat this procedure on all other lines to get all the points of ellipse.

15.  Mark these marked points as P1, P2,....P6...

16.  Draw a smooth curve through these points to complete the Ellipse.

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